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A minister, tired of tending to the needs and demands of his flock Sunday after Sunday after Sunday, decided to "play hookie". One Sunday he loaded his squirrel rifle and headed out on a hike. He intended to walk through the woods totally alone, and just plink at any squirrels that might present themselves. Towards late afternoon, the preacher was walking back home along an old logging road. He had long since exhausted his ammunition and had incidently not hit one squirrel. He was feeling relaxed and refreshed.

On turning a corner, however, he came face to face with one very large bear. This bear was huge, and he was eyeing the preacher as if he were one bear size bite.
The preacher dropped to his knees and bowed his head. "Oh Lord!", he said, "have mercy on me, a sinner. I have done wrong. But if I could ask just one thing of you, Lord: Lord, please make this bear a Christian!" "I know", he continued, in his best hellfire voice, "that I was wrong to abandon my flock today. To think ill of those you have put in my charge. But please Lord: make this bear a Christian!"

At this point the preacher hears an strange thump. He lifts his eyes to see the mighty bear on HIS knees in the dirt. He massive paws came together in prayerful attitude, and the great beast bowed his head.

Then the bear spoke: "Oh Lord: bless this meal we are about to receive............."