The Devil Wants YOU!! TIRED OF FOLLOWING THE RULES! Are you sick of your dead-end job, working for an incompentent boss? You
can't seem to find the demented babe of your dreams, much less getting a woman
to even talk to you? Tired of always behaving because you're scared getting
caught? Does the a life of CRIME, DRUGS, and SEX sound good to you! LUCIFER IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ENTRY LEVEL MINIONS!!! Beelzebub Enterprises (tm) is offering for the paltry price of your soul
and all eternity to pay, all the materials and training you will need for
your career in chaos management. No classes to attend! No studying! Cheating
101 is the very first course! Remember, we're talking the Devil here. DONE AT YOUR CONVENIENCE! * How to recognize and control the mentally unbalanced * Pestilence and Famine (The History, Preconditions and Management) * Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap! Lawyer Special! * Politics * WAR - Get real job satisfaction here. The secret of stirring up the masses.
* Entertainent * Foreign Regimes * Computers **[ A position at Microsoft for all those completeing this course!
]** * Blackmail; audio/video, set-ups, electronic bank deposits, bimbo rentals!!!
* The rackeets; direct connection to underground * Corporate * Occult: rituals, hexes, voodoo, curses, witches, warlocks, possessions
& counter exorcisms, TV psychics. Special rates for demon rentals!! * Heavy Metal: sublimital suggestion (presently only available for boys aged
12 - 15). * Law enforcement; 'nough said. * Medicine: Become rich while at the same time, bankrupting your country! * We're sorry, but all positions for pedophiles, preverted hypocrites (all
types), bigots, evangical zealots (includintg TV crooks) and all other annoying
obsessive in-your-face Xian fanatics are all filled directly from the Christian
Coalition or the Pat Buchanan Campaign staff. SIGN UP NOW!!! His minions are waiting! Reply-to:, or call 976-EVIL for testimonials:
SPECIAL SEMINARS BY Jim Bakker, Charles Keating and Jimmy Swaggart on Soaking
the Masses. Rush Limbaugh on Turning Lies into Facts. Pat Buchanan promotes
the pitchfork Nazi! And our "guest" series of netkooks on how to devote your
entire life to an obscure facet of everyday living.
The DEVIL wants YOU!
At home, ward, or cell block! Choose from this list of new and exciting specialities!
- Project your voice into their heads, or make it come from their dog!
- Endless hours of fun!
- With most of the world breeeding with no thought of tomorrow, this field
is projected to be one the "hottest" for rapid advancement in evil doings.
- Special incentives for those with Bio-genetic engineering experince for
developing unstoppable hordes of chemically resistance insects, fungi, and
other yucky wiggly things.
- Ambulance chasing, foreclosures, divorce meddling, and the fine art of fact
- Proven election strategies, slogans, ads, dirty tricks, mudslinging
- Public Office; maximizing profits!
- Chaos through legislature!
- Bribery; how to spot a Sting.
- Learn how to talk for hours without saying a THING!
- Seducing your pages (either sex!)
- Learn to do nothing but promote big business while calling it something
completely different!
- Now you too can author demonic laws just Sen. Exon!!!
- How to start & prolong. Play both sides against the middle!
- Weapons; (and you thought after the bomb, why bother) post graduate programs
in chemical and bio/genetic weapon research! (Developer of Rhino Ammo(tm)
a RECENT GRAD! Not a dry eye in Hell the day it was announced.)
- Be a sleazy producer or casting director! Couch techniques!
- Get your own national radio and TV show with total control of format and
content! Spread lies and discontent!
- Pornography; all the ins & outs *[babes not included]
- Be an agent! Learn the art of 'empty promises', badgering, pestering, lunches
and late night tele-hype.
- How to setup a high profit phone sex scam
- Detention & Interrogation; techniques and all styles of Terrorism
- Coups, Juntas and Election rigging
- Foreign Aid and Swiss banking
- Brain washing, drying and pressing
- Food programs: diverting and how launder to proceeds!
- viruses, worms, the Trojan Horse, mysterious file deletions, etc...
- Learn how to become a clueless tech support idiot.
- Learn how program bugs that won't be found until months after release.
- And the always popular Trolling the Net for tender young babes, fat old
guys, animals or whatever blows your dress up.
- Female, adolescent and/or prepuberty impersonations (sign up early for this
- Incoherent flaming (for the EEG impaired)
- Learn how to post ads for anything on any newsgroup! Over and over!!!
- Making your bones, surviving to 50, slack lime, cement mixing, car ignitions,
Long Rides! (ammo, C4, & piano wire included)
- South American importing, money processing
- Purchasing politicians - how to pick the right ones.
- Back-stabbing, idea theft, brown nosing/sucking up, bad mouthing, rumors
- Environmental laws; avoiding, covering up, defeating detection.
- Congress: lobbying, contributing, bribing, and blackmail
- Get the most from that expense account: Mistresses, vacations, etc...
- Move your company to a country that doesn't have bunch of bleeding heart
liberal whining wimps worried about cancer, birth defects and pollution.
- Toxic Dumps: hiding, denying, exporting
- Bogus accounting data
- costs, sales, earnings, units shipped, etc...
- Kick backs, corporate espionage, successful sexual harrassment!,
- employee intimidation, and much, much more!
- Annoy millions by posting "YOU WILL ALL BURN IN HELL" messages on USENET!!
- work in the 'death theme' in every song. ditto for 'party on dude'.
- make-up techniques, skull care, tips for postponing ear damage until 30.
- poses, attitude, attire, drug overdose information and rehabilitation
- groupie acquisition, management, swapping, and STD treatment options!
From our video library: Richard Nixon on 'Deny, Deny, Deny'.