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Astronaut - "Nearer My God, to Thee"

Baker - "I Need Thee Every Hour"

Baseball batter - "Seek Thee First"

Builder - "How Firm a Foundation"

Canoeist - "Flow River, Flow"

Dentist - "Crown Him with Many Crowns"

Electrician - "O Joyful Light"

Fisherman - "Shall We Gather at the River?"

Gossip - "It Is No Secret"

IRS or (Revenue Canada) - "All to Thee" (I Owe)

Jogger - "The Path of Life"

Lifeguard - "Come to the Water"

Sailboater - "Deep River"

Stonecutter - "Rock of Ages"

Watchman - "Silent Night"

Weatherman - "There Shall Be Showers of Blessings"